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Common Ground

Helping Adults Connect to Like-Minded Individuals through Curated Events

Common Ground is a fictional startup company that I created while studying UX/UI Design at Springboard’s 9-month intensive program. The company launched an app to help adults meet new friends through social events and activities.

Role: Solo UX Designer (UX Research, UX Design, UI Design, User Testing, Iteration, Branding)

Project Scale: 3 months

Primary Stakeholder: Springboard UX/UI Design Career Immersion Course

15 Million Americans

“Social anxiety disorder affects approximately 15 million American adults and is the second most commonly diagnosed anxiety disorder following specific phobia.”

The Problem

Only 20% of people who RSVP to an event actually end up attending due to social anxiety or external factors.

The Goal

Increase Event Attendees by Creating Connections Before Event

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The Process

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How Might We… Help Adults Feel More Confident to Attend Social Events?

Insights from Research

Due to the time constraints, I conducted online secondary research. The research allowed me to gain a better understanding of commitment and social anxiety.


In addition to online secondary research, I also conducted a Competitive Analysis of the industry leaders to educate myself on what is working and what might be missing in the industry.

One feature that seemed to be working across all platforms was the ability to introduce yourself before the event. I considered how I could not only add this feature to the app, but improve it.

User Flow

Common Ground User flow.jpg

The Minimum Viable Product of the app, Common Ground was to help users find events they were interested in and then connect with other individuals before the event.

I created a User flow using Miro to represent the journey the user would take while searching for an event.

Usability Testing

I conducted five usability tests on mid-fidelity wireframe prototype with people who the description of the target user.


• Users did not appreciate the uncertainty of being approved or denied to an event.

• Users wanted a simple way to change the event location.


Joining an event


Originally, I designed Common Ground where the user would have to answer questions before being admitted to the event. However, this caused confusion and disappointment among users testing the app.

They didn’t understand why they would have to be accepted to the event if they had already paid to go.

Overall, the feedback from the users was that they wanted to have the choice to answer these questions in order to interact with other event attendees.


Joining an event (1).gif


I redesigned this part of the app so the user would be automatically admitted to the event once the user paid and requested.

Instead of having the user to answer the questions to join the event, I added optional ice breaker questions once they joined the event. Users can answer the ice breaker questions for themselves or comment on other event attendees answers to strike up a conversation.

This gave the user more freedom resulting in a better user experience.


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Users were confused how to change their location after the initial search when joining the the app.


Changing the location (4).gif


I changed the home screen to include a search bar with both the activity and the location of the event. This allows users to search for events outside of their current location.

High Fidelity Design


Explore Events Nearest to You

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Users are more likely to attend events when it’s convenient and close. For that reason, having the option to narrow the search by distance is important.


Never Forget Upcoming Events

1. My Upcoming Events.png

One reason people may not show up for events is because they genuinely forget. The Calendar feature shows the user their upcoming events for the month. Additionally, the user has the ability to copy Calendar events to personal calendar so they are reminded.


Interact in Group Discussion with Event Attendees

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The Ice Breaker questions serve as conversation starters for group discussion. By giving users the option to answer and respond to these fun questions, everyone feels included in the conversation.


Save Money by Using Credits

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Research findings suggested that users may not attend an event if they don’t have any “skin in the game.”


Interact with Event Attendees through Private Messages

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Private messaging through the app allows users to interact with members from their upcoming events. This allows people to connect on an even deeper level before the event.


The Full Prototype



Designing Common Ground from concept to high-fidelity prototype was an excellent challenge and experience. The timeline given pushed me to work efficiently and prioritize what was important.

During this project, I realized how valuable it is to have user feedback from the beginning. Looking back, I realize I waited too long to receive feedback from the end-user. Moving forward, I will be sure to implement usability testing sooner.


Questions or comments about this project?

Reach out to me at:


Created User Interface Designs based off of business requirements and use cases.


Design Sprint challenge hosted by Bitesize. Created the experience of adopting a dog in the city.