New Mind

Helping Professionals Help Others Through Neurofeedback

Background: New Mind provides training, software, hardware and everything one might need to become a Neurofeedback Provider. Myself and a multidisciplinary team were hired to build an e-commerce website.

My Role: UX Research, UX Design (Information Architecture), UX Writing

Tools: Sketch, Invision, Mural, Zeplin, Asana, Zoom, Google Power Point

 The Story

The Why


New Mind has several websites making it confusing for users to discover information. Myself and a multidisciplinary team were hired to build an e-commerce website to combine all the content in one centralized location.

The Problem Statement

The path to become a Neurofeedback Provider differs based on their previous credentials and experience. Spending time to call Customer Service is a pain, but users require assistance to choose personalized equipment and courses to become a Neurofeedback Provider.


Business Goal

Build an e-commerce website to sell courses, software, hardware and access to the New Mind community.

Business Opportunities

New Mind can save time and money that would otherwise be used answering repetitive questions through customer support.


Users shouldn’t have to rely on customer support to know which course and equipment. The website should guide the user and give the user confidence in their choice.

Discover: Empathize & Understand

First of all, who are we designing for?

About the New Mind Users:

We determined New Mind has three primary personas. All three personas share the common goal of wanting to treat patients with Neurofeedback. The personas differ in their background and motivations.

  1. The Career Changer

  2. The Licensed Clinician

  3. The Wellness Practitioner

These Personas are based on stakeholder interviews. We validated and refined these Personas through User Interviews.

Testing the design

This design was created by myself and another designer. It was based data we gathered from stakeholder interviews. The stakeholders believed they had a good understanding of what the New Mind users wanted based on customer service interaction.


I created this prototype for usability testing using Invision.


In the navigation of this design, you can see “Find a Provider.” This is because we were trying to build the website for the Neurofeedback Providers, but ALSO for the patients to FIND a Neurofeedback Provider.

After user testing, we realized that we must narrow our focus on the MVP.

User Interviews / Testing



  • Prior to testing, I facilitated a meeting to determine what are objective was with user testing.

  • I conducted 6 user testings. Each usability testing was a duration of 45 minutes to 1 hour.

User Testing Scenario

  • It’s the users first time on New Mind’s website. The user would like to become a Neurofeedback Provider, but does not know how to get started. The user is willing to purchase equipment or courses.

 User Testing Results

  • 0% of understood the steps to Become a Provider after the site.

  • 0% of users could find nor understand why it was the right software subscription for them.

  • 50% of users found the Channel 4 Amplifier to purchase. 





“Why are users rarely buying anything?”



“How do I know what equipment and courses are right for me?”


Define: Insights

Main Findings


“I can’t find it!”

Users often confused ‘Find a Provider with Become a Provider’ and sometimes did not discover information because it was not accessible.


Action item:

Restructuring the Navigation Bar and content

“What’s included?”

Users want to understand what exactly they are paying for. Example: Starting at $5,000 without much context was intimidating. 


Action item:

Display cost with clear value proposition

“Which one is right for me?”

Users are able to find the store, but how do they know what to buy? Each user has different goals.


Action item:

Personalize the Path to Become a Provider for Each User with automation so there’s less reliance on customer support

Concept & Ideation

Taking a New Direction

As many of the users were uncertain where to complete certain tasks during user testing, we restructured the navigation.


Action Item:

Restructure the Navigation Bar and Drop Downs


I already know what Neurofeedback is, that’s not useful to me...
— User


Design Rationale:

  • We removed “Find a Provider” as it was not part of the MVP and users confused it with Become a Provider.

  • We prioritized the navigation bar based on user goals.

  • We differentiated the Create account and Sign in buttons so users recognized they could create an account.

Action Item:

Display cost with clear value proposition



I didn’t realize that the prices below were connected to the Pro and Beginner Subscriptions.
— User


Design Rationale:

  • Combined the pricing and subscription options with the features the user would receive.

  • Before, there was confusion that the features and pricing options were connected.

  • From an accessibility perspective, it’s beneficial to users who need to zoom in on their desktops.

Action Item:

Personalize the Path to Become a Provider for Each User with automation so there’s less reliance on customer support



I don’t want to call anyone, especially to ask the cost because then I might be stuck on a sales call.
— User


Design Rationale:

  • Added Become a Provider to the Navigation bar as its the MVP.

  • Broke down the process into becoming a provider into “3 simple steps”

  • Removed the pricing in order to not intimidate potential customers.



Looking back, we realized it would have been helpful to complete Tree Testing before the initial design. Not completing this research study early on, made for a lot extra time and unnecessary work.

One of the challenges of this project is that after each user testing, the stakeholder wanted to adjust the design based on feedback. I encouraged to test a consistent design and not give all the power to one user.

Future Next Steps

Validate the new design. We are looking to discover if users achieve their objective of having confidence which course and equipment best suits them and their career goals.


Mobile redesign for Chanja Datti, project focused in Nigeria.


Created User Interface Designs based off of business requirements and use cases.